Fast Track Professional Development Scheme

The overall aim of the Market Research Society of Nigeria [MRSN] “Professional Development Scheme”, is to enable the individual working in the market and social research in public/private sector: planning, research & statistics department, to develop and demonstrate knowledge, experience, and skills related to the profession. Several routes are available towards the achievement of Full Membership and Fellow [FMRS] and Member [MMRS] designation.

Fast Track is one of these routes. This scheme is aimed at individuals with at least ten [ 10 ] years experience at a senior 4 level in the profession who wish to become Full Members of the Society on the basis of their career profile. The scheme is an alternative to the MRSN Diploma as a route to Full Membership. It is not a requirement for registration on the Fast Track scheme for candidates that are currently in membership of MRSN.

The experience regarded as relevant can include any of the following:

  • Managing research
  • Purchasing research
  • Managing data collection
  • Data processing and analysis / using Digital technologies
  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative research
  • Knowledge management and Digitalization processes

Training And Capacity Development For Career Path In Research, Planning And Statistics In Public Institutions And Private Sector Organizations

The Market Research Society of Nigeria [ MRSN ] consulting and capacity development programme, offers a combination of internal training courses, conferences, seminars and workshops, which will at the end enrich potential candidates to achieve Full Membership of the Market Research Society of Nigeria [MRSN].


A summary of the Market Research Society of Nigeria [MRSN] Training programme include:

  • Conducting Effective Web site Research.
  • Designing and Implementing Online Surveys.
  • The Fundamentals of Customer Satisfaction Research.
  • Creating and Sustaining Powerful Brands.
  • At the Leading Edge – New and Stimulating Ideas in Quantitative  Research
  • Leading Edge Qualitative Research.
  • How to Stay Ethical When Conducting Market Research – The Moral Maze.
  • Applied Research activities and The Internet – Future Facing Research Techniques [ Big Data, Internet of Things, etc ].
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Skills and Personal Attributes

Skills and Personal Attributes Required for Membership of the Market Research Society of Nigeria [MRSN] include:

  • Interpersonal skills to work with clients from different industry sectors, personnel from external companies, members of the public, and internal teams.
  • Written, verbal, and electronic communication skills, as you will be writing reports, interpreting and presenting findings, and using ICT extensively.
  • Commercial awareness to meet the needs of the business.
  • Analytical and numerical skills to analyze large amounts of data and interpret findings.
  • Self-management skills: the ability to organize, manage your time and meet deadlines.
  • Problem-solving and creative ability in designing questionnaires, selecting survey samples, and troubleshooting.
Personal Attributes
  • An interest in people and their behaviour.
  • A methodical, careful approach and attention to detail.

Consulting Tasks On Public/Private Sector Performance Measurement: Key Performance Indicators [ KPIs ] Reporting

  • Drawing up guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Drawing up a reliable database necessary for the calculation.
  • 7 of values and for the monitoring of Project/Programme indexes.
  • Implementing a chart made up of data and relevant information, showing achievement and Project/Programme challenges to decision-makers.
  • Defining data indexes, enabling the assessment of different progress achieved.
  • Linking strategic KPIs with Project / Programme Monitoring and Evaluation indexes.
  • Report and Presentation of Organization Key Performance Indicators [KPIs].

If you think your staff could benefit from a tailored Performance Measures Blueprint Workshop, which will give your staff a great opportunity to learn a consistent performance measurement approach, get in touch with the Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [CPMMR] – Nigeria; E-Mail: The workshop shall help your staff to put their new knowledge into practice immediately, to develop more meaningful measures in support of your organization’s strategy.

Enifome Roy (AMRS)
Research and Development Unit
Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [CPMMR]-Nigeria
Telephone [SMS only]: +234 [0] 8036663160

Specialist Consultancy On Public Performance Reporting: Improving Public Performance Reports In Nigeria

  • Consultancy services on validating performance reports or scorecards of Ministries, Departments and Agencies [MDAs] of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on performance measures and indicators [KPIs], on policies, programmes and projects, beyond the Year 2020 Agenda.
  • Cascading of performance [contract] measures of MDAs and competence reviews and personnel profiling for selecting participants for performance measures and capacity development workshop and the Performance Project Team.
  • The Use of Monitoring and Evaluation Matrix for developing and implementing Key Performance Indicators [KPIs] in public institutions and private organizations in Nigeria.
  • The Use of Logical Framework Matrix for reporting programmes and projects of public institutions and private organizations in Nigeria.
  • The Use of Freedom of Information Act [FOI 2011] in facilitating information gathering from Ministries, Departments, and Agencies [ MDAs ] for oversight of projects, programmes and policies.
  • The Use of Digital Technologies [ Digitalization ] for applied research and development activities in Universities and Research Institutes in Nigeria.

Adhoc Customised Market Research Reports

The Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [CPMMR] - Nigeria, engages inhigh quality of whole research process, doing the following:

Exploratory Research investigating possibilities, rather than finding specific answers to questions. For example, an organization may have an idea that it wants to develop but is not sure which way to go next. Alternatively, a business may be unable to explain a sudden increase [ or fall ] in sales and will want to identify possible reasons for it.

The research is conducted into a research problem or issue when there are very few or no earlier studies to which we can refer for information about the issue or problem.

Delivery Time: 4 Weeks.

Descriptive Research aims to create a clearer picture of the factors that are influencing a market. This type of research is commonly used to support specific decisions. For example, a company might wish to find out how often customers use its products and attempt to identify the demographic characteristics [such as age, gender, residential neighborhood, or ethnic origin] of the heaviest users. This information might enable it to target others with similar demographic characteristics who do not currently use the product heavily.

Descriptive research may answer such questions as :

  • What is the absentee rate in particular offices?
  • What are the feelings of workers faced with redundancy?
  • What are the qualifications of different groups of employees?

Delivery Time: 6 Weeks.

Analytical/Causal Research aims to understand the phenomenon by discovering and measuring causal relations among them. For example, information may be collected on the size of companies and the levels of labour turnover.

Analytical research attempts to answer such questions as :

  • Analytical research attempts to answer such questions as :
  • How can we reduce the number of complaints made by customers?
  • How can we improve the delivery times of our products?
  • How can we expand the range of our services?

Delivery Time: 8 Weeks.

Predictive Research aims to generalize from the analysis by predicting certain phenomena on the basis of hypothesized, general relationships. For example, predictive research attempts to answer such questions as :

  • In which city would it be most profitable to open a new retail outlet?
  • Will the introduction of an employee bonus scheme lead to higher levels of productivity?
  • What type of packaging will improve the sales of our products?
  • How would an increase in interest rates affect our profit margins?

Predictive research provides ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘where’ answers to current events and also to similar events in the future. It is also helpful in situations where ‘what if ‘ questions are being asked.

Delivery Time: 10 Weeks.

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