Recognized Initiatives Of The Chief Executive Officer / Principal Consultant At The MRSN/CPMMR – Nigeria

Professional Exposure:

Henry Ovueferaye Onoriode Diejomaoh [ FMRS ] [ Mpmi ] is the Chief Executive Officer / Principal Consultant at the Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research – Nigeria. He is a multi-skilled professional, an Environmental Economist, and a Market Research Specialist. He received training at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, between 1975 and 1978 in Economics and commenced work-related Research in Environmental Science at Cranfield University, the United Kingdom in 2008. He was a part-time Environmental Consultant at Environ –Web Ltd, Nigeria, between 2001 and 2009. He trained at the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, from 1982 to 1983 in Commerce and Marketing and later received training / worked with the British Market Research Bureau [ BMRB ] from 2005 to 2007 on public opinion and market research. He is a Fellow and Trustee of the Market Research Society of Nigeria and a Member of the European Project Management Institute [ PMI ] Brussels. His recent research interest is on conducting baseline, mid-line, and end-line surveys and reviewing performance achievement and results of Public and Private institutions in Nigeria. His other research interest is a multi-dimensional work, relating the impact of environmental economics concepts to the management of unsustainable municipal solid waste [ MSW ] dump sites and their effect on leisure, travel, and tourism activities in Nigerian Cities.


His recent publication is on Performance Measurement, a 2015 workbook [ Manual ] on a “ Framework for Assessing Performance Indicators and Measures of Public [ MDAs ] institutions and Private sector organizations in Nigeria. His other publication is “Environmental Scanning Research on Threats and Opportunities in Product Marketing”. The Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [ CPMMR ] – Nigeria is the publisher of the quarterly Marketing Research Review-Journal; Market Analysis, a monthly business magazine, and the bi-monthly Performance Monitor Magazine in Nigeria, pioneering and facilitating the use of performance measurement tools and instruments for oversight of Federal Government Capital Budget / Projects by the National Legislative Assembly in 2016.

Career Path:

He was an intern – trainee at the United African Company of Nigeria [UACN], attached to Kingsway Stores Division [ UACN ] Nigeria, on work – training benefits, during long vacation, for recipients of the UACN undergraduate scholarship award in 1975/76; 1976/77 and 19777/78 academic session. After his National Youth [ Corp ] Service from August 1978 to July 1979, he joined the IBRU Organization, 33 Creek Road, Apapa – Lagos, as a Marketing Officer in September 1979. He was granted leave to Study, in the United Kingdom, at the Department of Marketing, Stenhouse Building, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland from October 1982 to September 1983. He became the Research and Development Manager at Ibru Sea Foods Limited / Granimac Beef Company Ltd from January 1984 to December 1989 and worked to establish a beef processing factory at the IBRU Organization Complex at Ijora – Lagos, Nigeria. He became the Principal Consultant at Inter – Systems Konsult Limited, Lagos in January 1990, and later promoted the establishment of the Market Research Society of Nigeria in 1996 and became the Executive Secretary / Principal Consultant of the Market Research of Nigeria [ MRSN ] in 1998.

Recoginzed Initiatives:

He initiated environmental solutions for integrated waste management options for Municipal Cities in Nigeria in 2001. Between 2006 and 2008, his proposal to the Federal Ministry of Environment prompted the signing of a “multi-billion naira tripartite agreement for the construction of Integrated Municipal Waste Management facilities for major cities in Nigeria”. He was recognized on same, by the Federal Ministry of Environment in 2007, the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency [ NESREA] in 2009, and the Lagos State Ministry of Environment in 2017. He founded and became a part-time consultant at Enviro – Web Limited in 2001, and initiated an International Conference on: ‘ Environmental Auditing for a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the impact of Industry on the Environment’ in 2007 with the Federal Ministry of Environment in Nigeria. A major focus of the Market Research Society of Nigeria [ MRSN ] is to promote the concept and implementation of ‘Best Practicable Environmental Option’ [ BPEO ] for municipal solid waste [ MSW ] management in Nigerian cities, starting with the hosting of a series of international conferences and sensitization workshops in Nigeria on the subject and providing waste reduction and composting programs to reduce the practice of taking municipal solid waste to landfill sites/dumpsites in Nigerian cities. He is a promoter of the Academy for Environmental Pollution and Resource Management in Nigeria. He also initiated the ‘ Mechanized Contract Farming Scheme for Rural Communities in Nigeria’ and received a commendation from the Central Bank of Nigeria [ CBN ] and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development for promoting an international conference in Abuja, Nigeria, on ‘Food Policy Advice and Food Security in 2009. He established the ‘Edjeba Community Mechanized Contract Farmers Group’ in 2017, cultivating hectares of rural farmland, based on his initiative and collaborating with the Central Bank of Nigeria [ CBN] on: “Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending [ NIRSAL ] Scheme”: A Financial Mechanism for Holistic Transformation of Nigerian Agricultural Landscape, initiative in 2011, and the ‘Anchor Borrower’s Programme’ [ ABP ] established by the CBN in 2016, for agricultural – produce and the processing of food in Nigeria.

Formal Education:

He commenced formal education at Government Primary School, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria, from January 1961 to December 1967; and secondary / college education at Federal Government College, Warri, from January 1968 to December 1972 and at Dennis Memorial High School, Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria, up to June 1974. He proceeded to the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in October 1974, graduating with a Bachelor of Science [ Honours ] degree in Economics, in July 1978.

Post Graduate:

His post-graduate education programs were in the United Kingdom, at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, in the 1982 / 83 academic session with full-time tuition and submission of a dissertation on: ‘ Threats and Opportunities in the Marketing of Skol International Lager Beer in Nigeria. [ An Environmental Scanning Research ]’, earning a Master’s degree in Marketing and Commerce in 1983.

Further Education:

He continued with further and advanced education in the United Kingdom, at the University of Ulster, on an Applied Research study program in ‘ Consumer Choice Criteria for Lookalike Breakfast Cereals’ in 2002; the University of Surrey, through part-time tuition and on performance measurement research in Business Administration program in 2007; and at Cranfield University on a part-time multidisciplinary research study in Environmental Science, Economics, Leisure and Tourism in 2008.

Scholarships and Awards:

He was a United Africa Company of Nigeria [ UACN ] Scholar at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria from 1975 to 1978, and an IBRU Organization, Nigeria, sponsored graduate student at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, the United Kingdom from October 1982 to September 1983. He was a recipient of an unimplemented/unfunded Federal Government of Nigeria 1983 / 84 Overseas Scholarship Award for Ph.D. Management Programme at the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom. He was a recipient of the Washington DC, United States of America ‘ Who is Who of Professionals in Commerce, Economics, Policy and Trade, Recognition in 2009. He was elected ‘Member’ [ Mpmi ] of the European Project Management Institute [ PMI ], Brussels, Belgium, an association dedicated to advancing the Practice, Science, and Profession of Project and Programme Management in 2008.

Societal Interests:

He is active in a wide variety of professional and non – governmental interests. He is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rhetoric Society of Nigeria [ an Association for the discovery of fit and proper candidates for Elections and Democracy ], and Phi – Delta Kappa, Nigeria [ an Organization for encouraging the spiritual and academic development of youths in Nigeria ] and also the Founder / Chairman of Board of Directors of the George Oteri Diejomaoh [Ph.D.] Foundation for Applied and Scientific Research, Nigeria [ FASRN ], with the following recognized objectives :

– The Foundation [ FASRN ] shall encourage and promote Applied and Implementable, Scientific Research by various institutes, universities, organizations, and individuals in Nigeria and elsewhere, towards the development of the Nigerian Economy.

– The Foundation [ FASRN ] shall release through publication, applied and
implementable “Scientific Research Findings”, to be utilized by various sectors towards the development of the Nigerian Economy.

– The Foundation [ FASRN ] shall liaise with Government and Non – Government organizations on matters relating to Applied and Scientific Research in Nigeria.

Executive Secretary

Market Research Society of Nigeria [ MRSN ]

Principal Consultant

Centre for Performance Measurement & Market Research [CPMMR] – Nigeria

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