Publications & Continuous Syndicated Market Research Reports

Anyone  with  a  regular  interest  in  the  CPMMR-NIGERIA / MRSN  published  reports  is  advised  to  have  a  standing  subscription  to  receive  any  of  the  following  publications

Marketing Research Review:

A Quarterly Journal of the Market Research Society of Nigeria; Specializing in Media Research, Omnibus Surveys, Social and Public Interest Research Stakeholder Measurement and Management and Syndicated Marketing Surveys.

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Market Analysis Magazine

A Monthly Busines; Publication of the Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [ CPMMR ] – Nigeria: Analysing Nigeria’s Investment Opportunities on Stock Market Performance, Annual Reports & Monthly Stock picks Financial & Ratio Analysis and Commodities Trading & Transactions.

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Performance Monitor Magazine:

A Bi-Monthly Nigeria Public Interest Magazine, published by the Centre for Performance and Market Research [CPMMR]- Nigeria, covering Performance Reports on the Economy & Private Sector, Governance, Democracy & Development, the Legislature, Public Institutions and the Judiciary in Nigeria.

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Manual on a Framework for Assessing Performance Indicators and Measures of Public [MDAs] and Private Organizations in Nigeria, published by the Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [ CPMMR ] - Nigeria.

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Continuous Syndicated market research is required so that something can be measured and tracked over time: brand shares, including by market and retail sector, product usage, retail of advertising, viewing and readership levels, etc. Continuous research is carried out by the Market Research Society of Nigeria / Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [ CPMMR ] – Nigeria, to meet the specific requirements of individual clients and, in principle, the process of buying this research is the same as for ad – hoc research although the contract will usually be for a longer-term. There are special techniques for carrying out continuous research including using rigorously controlled interviewing programs and panels. A major concern in the continuous research design ensures that any variations, over time, in whatever is measured, reflect real changes rather than just research variance.

Ghenero Hansen (AMRS)
Publicity and Publications Unit
Centre for Performance Measurement and Market Research [CPMMR]-Nigeria
Telephone [SMS only]: +234 [0] 8024192455

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